2020 GMAT OG新题讲解

OG,office guide,GMAT考试官方指南。顾名思义就是GMAT考试官方给GMAT考生提供的用于GMAT考试备考的题目资源,包含了GMAT考试的四项考试内容。是每一个GMAT考生必做的题目资源。
Arts advocate: Few universities require that students who are specializing in science and technology take many art courses. However, real progress in science and technology requires an element of creativity, which the arts foster. Thus, to help science and technology students succeed in their careers, universities should increase the number of art courses required for them.
Fact: 很少有大学会要求科学和科技专业的学生学习艺术课程。然而,要想在科学和科技方面获得真正的成功是需要创造力的,而艺术是有助于创造力的形成的。
Infer: 如果想帮助科学和科技专业的学生在他们的职业生涯中获得成功,大学应当增加适合他们的艺术课。
A. Universities required more art courses for science and technology students in the past. 与原文信息相反,排除
B. Participation in art courses increases students` creative thinking in their science and technology courses. 说明参加艺术课程的学生确实能增强他们在专业课程中的创造力,符合预判中正确答案的方向,因此该选项为正确答案
C. More students who are interested in art would specialize in science and technology if the number of art courses required for those programs were increased. 概念偷换,故排除
D. Some of the most prominent scientists began their careers as artists. 无关选项,排除
E. Discussion of science and technology topics in art courses increases creative thinking among students in those courses. 概念偷换,排除
A successful coffee stand that serves the workers in a large office building plans to increase its profits by adding oatmeal-a hot cereal popular among the workers-to its menu. The manager says that oatmeal is the ultimate convenience food because it can be served by the cup, as coffee is; further, offering oatmeal will enable the stand to get into the breakfast business without making a large investment, because it does not require elaborate cooking equipment.
Which of the following would, if true, most strengthen the likelihood that the manager”s plan will achieve its goal?
A. Some of the office building”s businesses have recently begun providing free coffee to their employees. 与plan无关,排除

B. The ingredients needed to make oatmeal are inexpensive and do not spoil easily the way many fresh breakfast foods typGMAT官网ically sold at coffee stands do.强调oatmeal的成本低,且不容易损坏,和收益相关(标价不变的情况下,成本越低,损失率越小,则收益越高),符合“plan”的内容,故为正确答案。
C. In order to offer more flexible schedules to their workers, several businesses in the office building will soon be expanding their hours. 涉及到其它businesses,无关项,排除
D. Supermarket sales of oatmeal and other cereals slowed this year following large gains last year. 涉及超市,与“plan”无关,排除
E. Oatmeal manufacturers have recently reduced their oatmeal offerings, which had included oatmeal in microwaveable cups and convenient cereal bars made with rolled oats. 与oatmeal的制造商相关,与“plan”无关,排除








